[Bio Diversity ]by Merry Firdissa | 19-05-2019 17:38 |
Stop destroying homes! From among the things that make a home a home, one is the unique nature of the house its self. A house is a magical structure which keeps the things we love and the people we hold close all in one place. We all have personal attachments to our homes, for me my home is where the things that make me who I am are located. Even if I were not present, anybody who knows me could walk into my room and know it is mine, it is the place where I spend the majority of my time, so to me, my home is a big part of who I am as a person and so whoever would try to destroy that would without question be trying to destroy me. Homes come in different shapes and sizes, to some it is a house, to others it is the forest. Just like humans have preferences and needs, so do animals. Animals do not just pick a random spot and decide it is home, there is attention given to the details. Making or building a house is an investment. Birds are a simple example for this as they make their homes from scratch by collecting building materials and then intertwining every single of them as though they had taken an Architectural course on how to so. Birds invest on home making, they make a home and then create a family. They go about their usual daily routines and activities during the day and then go back to their homes at night. Birds do not mistake their home for another and that means that somehow, there is a part of their consciousness that knows where home is. And so by cutting down a tree, one would be making a family of birds homeless. We all have bad days in our lives and sometimes the only thing we would want to do during those moments is just go home and get rest, but imagine if upon reaching home, you find your house destroyed, how would that feel? Where would you go to get justice, what could make amends for that? Nothing can. Deforestation is exactly that to not just one animal that happened to make its home in the forest but to all of the creations in the forest. Starting from the tiniest to the biggest, they find their homes destroyed every day because of deforestation. Deforestation is an overused word and everybody knows it is a bad term but nobody really understands that it is bad. When put in simple words, it is the destroying of innocent civilian homes, destruction of thousands if not millions of homes without cause. Yes there is nobody that will speak up on their behalf but as a human ourselves, we should absorb it into our minds that destroying homes is just not right. Whoever does so is not a criminal, he is the worst kind of criminal. So let our actions meet our thoughts, if we are humans, let us act on it and stop the destroying of homes. Let us sympathize and stand up for animal rights, let¡¯s stop deforestation by taking steps no matter how small. |