[Feature] Air pollution at Cotonou in Benin, the case of motorcycles and what can be doneby Desire HOUNGNIGBE | 01-05-2019 04:53 |
Air pollution in Benin is a real fact. One of the phenomena that contribute to this pollution is a large number of motorcycles that exist in Benin especially in big cities like Cotonou. In 2011, according to Slate, 30,000 drivers of taxi-motorcycles circulated in the capital Cotonou, and 100,000 throughout the country. This critical number of motorcycles in the cities only aggravates the situation of air pollution. In Benin, there is also this culture of having one's way of traveling, and in most cases, people prefer to buy a motorcycle first. It raises the level of pollution in the cities of Benin. To face this problem, it is essential to develop public transport in Benin and put in place a system that allows people to use these transports. We must also plant trees in cities to make cities greener, which will improve the quality of air in our cities. Also, it may be necessary to return to certain old habits such as the use of bicycles. We should copy the Copenhagen bike culture and take the example of this world's first bike city. References Google.rw. (2019). Air pollution at Cotonou - Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.rw/search?authuser=1&biw=1345&bih=591&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=CqbIXMrAAeyT1fAP8PiQsAM&q=Air+pollution+at+Cotonou&oq=Air+pollution+at+Cotonou&gs_l=img.3...178380.187115..188143...0.0..1.411.6137.2-20j3j1......2....1..gws-wiz-img.....0..35i39j0i67j0j0i19j0i8i30i19.qbjTvIGlNfw#imgrc=3Q3j61gAum3diM: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2019]. |