[FREE REPORT] Increasing radio waves and their impact on environmentby Sachin Regmi | 24-04-2019 18:42 |
This is an era of technology, connectivity and digital gadgets. Mobiles, tablets and iPad have become integral prat of urban civilization. Portable and wireless electronics are the present big things and dominating our daily lives making everyday tasks easier along with exploring new and exciting opportunities. However, they have some drawbacks too. Every electronic device big or small wired or wireless need to communicate with each other or self by means of electronic signals. Wireless devices use radio waves for the purpose. These waves differ from each other in term of strength (wavelength) and intensity. The common means of propagation of these waves is space or air around us. Since these waves are also form of energy they are likely to disturb natural frequency and natural electronic field around us. For example, Microwaves are similar form of energy and the strength is such that it can be used to cook our food. Radio waves or mobile signals also carry similar energy but in less amount. However continuous exposure to low dose of such energy may also cause radiation hazard. The consequences being cause of cancer in extreme cases. They are more clearly visible in small insects like bees, they use natural frequency to locate their food and hive. Increasing radio waves disturb their path thus become unable to locate their food or home. This had caused death of large number of bees in America a few years ago. The intensity of this problem is ever increasing and requires rapid action. Youths like ourselves can contribute for the cause of conservation being a role model or running awareness campaigns. Even our small effort can make large differences. let's work together in solving this problem before time runs out. Green Cheers 😊 |