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Sign up today- Tunza Eco Generation

by Asmita Gaire | 05-04-2019 21:59

In the course of time, when I was making a change within oneself for betterness of environment, Well! to be honest for the wellness of human ourselves, isn't it?; I realize only single individual efforts isn't sufficient. For this every individuals should stand up from their position for society. 
In meanwhile, I signed up into Tunza Eco Generation, It brought sparkles and aided me to connect environmentalists and enhanced me to work further. When I was moving forward, I realized all the people should work together for a huge difference. In meantime I was appointed as Tunza Eco Generation Regional Ambassador. This was a stone turning moment because now I have a concrete platform to work.
Taking this honour, I made a initiation by coaching the youths. I introducedTunza Eco Generation among an undergraduate students of agriculture and veterinary sciences where they can share their ideas and learn ideas and skills to move together and forward.

After being selected as regional ambassador of Tunza Eco Generation, it's one of my work as included in consent form but I take it as my honour rather than work.

These youths were very excited to know about this elite platform. And this coaching was made among girls. It will soon be followed up among boys and into wider community.