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How to Become a Green Company

by Paisley Hansen | 06-03-2019 08:49

Ever since the UN released its environmental report, it has become a race to beat the clock. The report stated that the world has 12 years to reverse the effects that people have had on the environment before there will be catastrophic climate change. Because of this, more people have realized the need to change the way that we live and the way that businesses work. It has become more mandatory than ever to change the way that we live and work. For your business, you should look into making it more ¡°green¡± and here¡¯s how.

1. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

It might seem like a given fact, but a lot of companies actually still struggle with the idea of ¡°reduce, reuse, and recycle.¡± One of the best ways to do this is by being more conscious of the way that you¡¯re working with the business. Treat each paper as a single piece of paper rather than as a group. What this means is that if you can save one piece of paper by doing something else, then do it. Whenever possible, reuse products. If you need scratch paper, use the backside of another, already-used paper. Then, when you¡¯re finished, recycle everything.

2. Eliminate Plastic Bottles

The next thing that you should do is take away plastic bottles from your business. Don¡¯t promote the use of plastic bottles by having them stocked in a community fridge and don¡¯t encourage your employees to bring them to work. Instead, encourage them to bring their own reusable bottles to work and then have easy water fountains that are build to fill water bottles. By doing this, you can save millions of plastic water bottles every year. By doing this, you also save money since you¡¯re having to buy hundreds of plastic water bottles every year.

3. Change the Light Bulbs

Becoming the environment is more than just recycle and reducing. It¡¯s also about using less energy. If your business is in an older building, chances are that the lightbulbs are still incandescent or fluorescent lights. These lightbulbs are also filled with toxic gases that are harmful when the bulbs are being created. Take a day to switch all the lightbulbs in the building to LED lightbulbs instead. You will save hundreds of dollars on your electricity bills as well as decreasing your environmental impact.

4. Encourage Carpooling

If you have over 100 employees and each one is coming from a different home, that means that you¡¯re causing over 100 cars to drive on the road every day. If you¡¯re an even larger company (over 500 employees), you¡¯re causing over 500 cars to drive on the road. This compounds over the days and the years that your employees work for you. This is why it¡¯s absolutely necessary to have your employees carpool to work. If you have work vehicles for your employees, have environmentally friendly cars like the honda accord 2019. Make people more aware of the effects that their car has on the environment.

5. Use Green Cleaning Products

Cleaning products can a lot of water pollution because the products are full of chemicals that are effective at their job but awful for the environment. If the products get into the water, it can get bad. Fish and other life in water are harmed and killed. So, take responsibility for your actions and choices and use green cleaning products. Use things that are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. It can do a lot for the environment.


As a business owner, it is part of your responsibility to take care of how your company impacts the environment. If you know that you¡¯re not doing your job, then change. Put forth the effort to make sure that your company is a green company. You should also keep in mind that by becoming a green company, you actually gain appreciation from the community which helps you to appear more professional and more respectable.