Save Energy With These Simple Tricks and Tipsby Paisley Hansen | 27-02-2019 09:32 |
![]() Aside from a mortgage or monthly rent, the next largest bill in the household is often energy. Electricity and natural gas are two energy sources that cost you dearly throughout the year. Extreme heat or cold during the seasons causes everyone to use more power in the home. Try these simple tricks and tips in order to save energy on every bill. The smallest changes make the biggest impact. Try a Smart ThermostatThe U.S. Department of Energy suggests that a new control panel for your thermostat can save you substantial money. They're relatively easy to swap out for the average DIYer. Control the thermostat from your phone or other Internet-connected device. Set it to warm or cool when necessary. Some models learn your habits over time so that it can automatically set itself. You'll find that forgetting to turn off the HVAC system isn't an issue anymore. Plant Some TreesIf the only tree at your property is an LED Christmas tree, the home could use real plants outdoors as an energy-saving solution. Plant trees or large bushes on the south side of your property, reports NBC News. The summer sun will beat against the tree leaves instead of the home. You won't run to the air conditioner as often as before. Don't worry about the home being too cool in the winter either. Most trees will lose some or all of their leaves to let the sun shine in and warm the home. Switch out Your Light BulbsGet rid of your older incandescent bulbs. They hog a lot of power. As an alternative, look for CFL or compact-fluorescent bulbs. You might even splurge on LED bulbs too. The latest technology requires less electricity and emits less heat than incandescent bulbs. New bulbs even last longer, which means you'll be swapping them out fewer times over the course of several years. Unplug CablesMother Earth News suggests that phantom loads are a big problem in tech-heavy households. You plug in a device and leave it there. The item may not be in use either. These loads are still drawing electricity, which means that you're paying for the lost power. Pull all of the plugs from your walls that aren't in use. To simplify this process, you might use smart-power strips as a way to isolate the plugs from the electrical source. Drape the WindowsUnless you can afford to install new windows, the alternative is draping them in curtains. Warm the home by opening up the curtains on a sunny day. Cool the house by closing them during the summer. Your energy costs will drop in response to these drape installations. Insulate the Attic and Hot-Water HeaterIf you're losing heat or cool air to the exterior, you're just going to overwork your HVAC system. Insulate the attic so that any air trapped in this area remains at a steady temperature. The attic influences the entire home's temperature, which can be either good or bad for your monthly energy bill. Save even more money when you insulate your hot-water heater. Wrapping it in approved insulation reduces heat loss. The tank is constantly warming the water so any reduction to loss will save you a lot of money over the course of a single year. Add FansThere's no need to drop the air-conditioning temperature down to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, the ideal temperature for the AC is 78 degrees F. Add fans around the home so that you create a wind-chill factor. You'll feel cooler at 78 degrees F. with fans moving the air around. The reward is a lower electric bill than before. Saving energy takes the effort of the entire family. Discuss everyone's role when it comes to turning off lights and running any appliances. When everyone understands the importance of their participation, changes will be easier to implement. Spend that extra money on vacations and other items as a reward for everyone in the family. |