Impact of Roads on wildlifeby Sachin Regmi | 18-02-2019 19:39 |
![]() Road or roadways is an integral part of transportation in the world. Their length and reach ever increasing as human development expand and people increasingly rely for transportation on a daily basis. However, this large network of roadways has exponentially increased the deuteriation of environment and altered the landscape. This fact has severe impact on wildlife and natural calamities occurring. In addition to causing mortality, roads can also shift population demographics and be a source of pollution into the environment. Studying the ecological impacts of roads is an important area of study in conservation biology and environmental science, as the impacts often extend far beyond the surface of the road itself. These consequences or side effect of roadways can very on severity on one factor to another. e.g. When a road crosses through an animal's preferred habitat, the chances increase for road mortality. The roadways inside the national Parks are facing these similar fates. Some animals are at greater risk as compared to other eg, python on the road and its overstepping can be controlled by sudden impact of deer on the vehicle and their death can rarely be controlled. Chimney swifts eat insects and fly close to the ground as they follow prey. When these birds follow prey that fly over roads, it increases their chances of being struck by a car. Groups of animals like amphibians that have regular mass migrations are also particularly vulnerable. Additionally, beside the direct mortality or accident with animals' road construction can cause habitat fragmentation. This occurs by two ways-first when roadways are constructed between the focal area of animal they cannot cross the barrier of road eg, snakes and other animals additionally the sound from vehicles can drive the animals away fragmenting them into smaller subgroups. |