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Regional or national environment that is so iconic to introduce to others though it is not well known internationally' – Landscaping of the UAE

by Rohan Kapur | 12-02-2019 02:19


Dear Readers, as you are aware that basically United Arab Emirates is a desert area. But over the past many decades many gardens, Trees, vegetation, flowers and other landscapes have been developed throughout the country. Now the big question arises, how to sustain this green landscaping. It needs water, seeds to develop.


Initially the seeds were all imported from other countries but over the years the horticulture department has been able to produce seeds in the UAE itself. It is heartening to note that UAE is now self-reliant in growing the plants. All respective seeds are grown within the country.


Now another question arises, how to water this vast landscapes scattered all over the country covering hundreds of kilometers of area. There are big parks, walking paths, trees lines across highways, green patches. All needs watering. Due to the arid climate of the country the grass, plants, trees etc. needs watering multiple times in a day.


This country has devised a unique solution to this issue. Here the sewerage water is not discharged into the sea, it is transferred to the water treatment plant. Here the sewerage water is treated so that it may be used for irrigating the landscapes. You will be surprised to know that UAE uses only recycled sewerage water for keeping its greenery in place. The supply is abundant and rest of the treated water is discharged into the sea.


It shows the responsibility & dedication of the national municipalities. This model should be used in other water scarce countries so that the environment may be saved & resources may be better utilized. Wastewater treatment is a significant strategy that will reduce the water stress in the region.


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