IMPORTANCE OF FORESTSby Bwalya Bwalya | 08-02-2019 22:57 |
Human beings fully depend on the survival of natural resources especially trees. Forests are home to almost 50% of the world¡¯s species. They help mitigate the impacts of global warming and also play an important role in the water recycle process. Aside this, forests help balance the oxygen amount and many plants have been identified as medicines for a variety of illnesses. Almost everything we have or use traces its origin from trees. For many centuries, trees despite being cut down have been regarded as a source of wealth and livelihood. From the various services they provide, they are without question essential. Zambia is very rich in terms of natural resources. It has four main types of vegetation namely woodlands, savannas, grasslands and deciduous forests. Of all vegetation types in Zambia, Miombo woodlands is the most extensive and economically important. In urban areas, it is used for the supply of timber, poles, firewood and charcoal. It is also the source of many non-wood forest products such as honey, medicines, caterpillars and other insects. |