Silage, food for animalsby Sachin Regmi | 05-02-2019 15:14 |
![]() Silage : Silage is a fermented feed resulting from the storage of high moisture crops, usually green forage, under anaerobic condition. It is stored as the green material produced by controlled fermentation retaining moisture content and maintaining anaerobic condition allowing lactobacilli or other similar species to proliferate and produce amines, ammonia and carbon dioxide. The entire ensiling process requires about three weeks for converting forage into silage. Characteristics of silage: 1.Very good silage: taste is acidic and no butyric acid. Ph is 3.5 to 4.2. 2.Good silage: taste is acidic there may be trace of butyric acid . ph is 4.2-4.5 3.Fair silage: the silage is mix with little amount of butyric acid and the ph is 4.5-4.8 and the color of silage varies from tobacco brown to dark brown. 4.Poor silage: it has bad smell due to high butyric acid and high proteolysis. Ph is above 4.8. color seem to be blackish and should not be fed to the animal. The most commonly used silage crop are maize, sorghum, sudan grass, bajra, hybrid napier etc. among this maize and sorghum are supposed to be the best crop for silage making. Leguminous fodder crops can also be used for silage making but they contain fewer amount of carbohydrate. The crops for silage making is generally harvested at the flowering stage when it has the maximum amount of nutrient and has dry matter content 35-40% i.e, 60-65% moisture.