Role of Youth For Cleaner And Greener Environmentby Sachin Regmi | 05-02-2019 21:05 |
Youth is life period between childhood and adulthood. So there one has curiosity of childhood and passion of adulthood. these group of people are characterized by their courage, enthusiasm, innovativeness, inquisitiveness, confidence that guides their way of life. Since they are the future that gives them special privilege to design what their future would be. Likewise, they do have important role to play for cleaner and greener environment: one of the global issues, which wasn¡¯t indeed in its peek never before in this magnitude, because decisions made affect their life today and in future. Also, they provide intellectual contribution, bring unique perspectives and solutions to problems. Clean and green environment is the concern of human. In this regard they should play key role. Youth on this aspect they can act as role model or can teach people nearby them to act for the cause of conservation. For the environment to be clean the components of the environments like soil, water, and air should be free from the pollutants. Pollutants (degradable and non- degradable) are the result of consumption pattern, way of life and production system (agricultural and industrial). To minimize increasing environmental degradation youth need to change their consumption patterns that will help to mitigate waste production, increase use of renewable resources like solar and wing energy and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases wherever possible. In case of production system youth can raise his/her voice against the polluting corporate production system through organizations. It is imperative to raise voice there must be collaboration between corresponding organizations (both youth and non-youth), so that the voice can be heard and taken into consideration during decisions making and policy formulation. Both commercial agriculture and corporate production systems are so powerful that individual voices become like a drop of water in ocean. Since most of the production systems are targeted to youth, so protests or boycott against the polluting companies can also be done which trigger them to rethink their entire corporate strategy. |