Role of Social Media to Build Youth Capacityby Sachin Regmi | 05-02-2019 21:14 |
This is my second report on youth and social media. Social media have been integral part of urban society, specially youths. they are mostly used as means for communication among family and friends in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks build on the ideological and technological foundations of web. Each day the number of users and number of hours per user is increasing. Thanks to easy accessibility, usability and immediacy of these medias. In urban societies mobile and portable devices are major means of accessing the internet. Youth through internet using mobile and web-based technologies social media like facebook, twitter, etc. and technologies like blogs, picture-sharing, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharingetc. are integrated to create highly interactive platforms through which we share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content.The truest fact about social media is that it has made access to information faster, interaction to diversity of people, learn from their experiences, share ones, obtain feedback and improve, which help for the capacity building. Benefits of social using social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income. Additionally, these Social media are used to document memories, learn about and explore things, advertise oneself and form friendships. The relevant examples are tunza generation like forums where plenty of youths are interacting, showcasing their challenge and contributing for the cause of conservation.we bloggers who are blogging on various topic, situations and work done. It has helped us to learn about various subject matters, way of presenting them so that they create impact on concerned field, understand the diversity of views on the same subject matter etc which is helping us to build capacities to interact with the world. However, every good has opposite side too. social media is criticized its exclusiveness, disparity, trustworthiness, few real impacts, reliability, ownership of social media content, privacy, loneliness of user etc, but positive aspects of social media should be harnessed and utilized for capacity building, creating positive impact and driving society in desired direction. |