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Physiology of elephant

by Sachin Regmi | 02-02-2019 11:29

Physiology of elephant:
Asian elephant are the second largest living land mammal next only to African elephants. The bull can reach up to 3.5 meter at the shoulder and weight about 5000 kg. Asian elephant have normal area of light light pigmentation, especially over the head, trunk and ear. They normally have 5 nail on the front feet and four nail on the rear feet. Elephant digestive system is similar to horse. They are hindgut fermenters.
The trunk which is large organ, containing more than 40,000 muscles, is unique to elephant. Elephant breath through there mouth and trunk and in the process 70% inhaled through the trunk. Elephants usually drink by drawing water into the trunk and expelling into the mouth. The elephant lung do not have a pleural space.
There are two types of bull elephants, one with tusk and the other with or with not tusk. The former type is known as ¡°Dantar¡± (Tusker) and the later type is called ¡°Makuna¡±. The tusk is modified upper incision teeth composed of dentine ( ivory). It is the hardest material of biological origin. The Asian cow elephant possess mostly very small upper incisor teeth called tushes. Elephant have six progressive sets of molar teeth during their life time.
The average life span of Asian elephant is believed to be about 60-80 years. The elephant possess bilateral temporal gland which is their uniqueness. The gland is active during musth and secrete a dark oily fluid. Musth is Asian bull elephant is a complex physiological phenomenon that makes an elephant aggressive. They are very dangerous while in musth.

Elephant have no lacrimal apparatus and excess moisture produced by the Harderian gland on the interior surface of the nictitating membrane moistens the eye. the normal body temperature ranges from 97-98¨¬F. the heart rate ranges from 24-50 beats per minute and the respiratory rate falls between 4-12 breaths per minute. A temperature of 100¨¬f should be considered as serious fever.
Elephant always prefer dusting their body which is thought to protect their body which is through to protect the skin from sunburn and inset bites. Captive elephant sleep by lying 2-3 hours daily during mid- time. They can also sleep by resting the head on wooden posts and tree even during the day.

They are seen feeding almost continuously. The defecation and urination is also seen at regular interval. They love water very much and during strenuous work, can suck water free from mouth and sprinkle on body to cool themselves. Cow elephant have a pair of mammary gland which are pectoral. The testes of male elephant are intra- abdominal, hence can¡¯t be seen from outside. Elephant have strong memory. They can identify the track they have walked in the past.