The blue carbonby Muskan Priya | 03-02-2019 04:27 |
WHAT IS BLUE CARBON? Blue carbon is the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems. The Blue Carbon are carbon in coastal ecosystems stored in - mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses. These ecosystems sequester and store large quantities of blue carbon in both the plants and the sediment below. For example, over 95% of the carbon in seagrass meadows is stored in the soils. Why IMPORTANT? When protected or restored, blue carbon ecosystems sequester and store carbon. When degraded or destroyed, these ecosystems emit the carbon they have stored for centuries into the atmosphere and oceans and become sources of greenhouse gases. Experts estimate that as much as 1.02 billion tons of carbon dioxide are being released annually from degraded coastal ecosystems, which is equivalent to 19% of emissions from tropical deforestation globally*. Mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses are critical along the world's coasts, supporting coastal water quality, healthy fisheries, and coastal protection against floods and storms. For example, mangroves are estimated to be worth at least US$1.6 billion each year in ecosystem services that support coastal livelihoods and human populations around the world*. ¡°Blue Carbon¡± to coastal ecosystems that are capable of strong carbon sequestration and are considered as alternative ¡°carbon sinks¡± (i.e a natural environment viewed in terms of its capability to absorb carbon) and are ¡°natural agents¡± to mitigate climate change. For those living in coastal areas, these ecosystems, aside from functioning as a ¡°carbon sink¡±, it also help boost local fishing and aquaculture livelihood and as well protect coastal communities from natural catastrophes. Refrence: