" Factors of climate change "by Hassan Nasir | 31-01-2019 22:51 |
Climate change is cause by many factors but the key factors that caused the climate change are mainly 1. Latitude: it basically tell us the distance to the equator 2. Currents of the ocean: currents that are caused through the ocean can also be a defining fator.Ocean currents have variations in them for instance warm oceans warm the air while the cool oceans cool the air 3. Wind and air masses: This also plays a vital role in climate change like heated ground raises air causing lower air pressure similarly when this air pressure descends to the ground it is resulted in higher pressure and hence repetition of this process forms the wind while the air masses absorb the climate of the air 4. Elevation: When the higher you are the colder it will be hence when air increases it expands at a greater level causing low air pressure and then making it cool 5. Relief: it is the difference between the elevations in the land. As air rises then temperature falls however condensation increases .Because of the condensation the water drops get bigger and bigger so now the air mass go over the mountain thus causing temperature to increase and hence salt precipitates are formed and thus leading to a rain shadows. 5. Proximity to water: water is less intense than the land thus it cooling down and heating up is slower when compared with land. It is noted that on cooler days water gets heat up by land while when there are hotter days then land is cooled by water. |