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Nutritive value of milk

by Sachin Regmi | 01-02-2019 18:45

Milk is the most unique and ideal food for human beings. It meets the nutritional needs requirements of the body better than any other single food. From nutrition point of view milk is defined as the most nearly perfect food. Though its excellent food value is beyond questions, but milk is not a completely perfect food due to some limitations.

¡¤         Deficiency of Fe and Cu

¡¤         Limited number of people exhibit allergy symptoms from ingesting milk to indicate that it is not beneficial in all respect for everyone

¡¤         Inadequate in the amount of Vitamin C and Niacin

¡¤         Milk secreted by cow is poor source of Vitamin D

¡¤         Lactose intolerance

Milk consists of following Nutrients

¡¤         Protein

¡¤         Carbohydrate

¡¤         Fat

¡¤         Minerals

¡¤         Vitamins

Milk consists of casein and whey proteins. Caesin is responsible for white coloration of milk and is compounded with calcium. Whey Proteins are globular in structure- albumin and globulin being major ones.

The most abundant carbohydrate in milk is lactose. It is compound of glucose and galactose and gives alcohol on microbial fermentation.  Lactose on heat application churn giving smoky flavor in milk.

Fat composition in normal cow milk is 4%. They may be subdivided into true fat and associated substances. True fats are polymer of fatty acid. They provide good medium for dissolving fat-soluble vitamins.

Calcium and phosphorus is abundant minerals in milk. Majority of vitamins are found in milk.