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Climate change- Worst case scenario for agriculture production of underdeveloped countries

by Sachin Regmi | 31-01-2019 12:04

Agriculture is a collaborative result of average temperature, rainfall and climatic condition of that place along with crop/plant physiology, soil fertility and human efforts. Climate is one of the key elements in agriculture production.

Climate change is already affecting net production of agriculture. Since agriculture production is not distributed evenly the impact of production also varies accordingly. Future climate change is likely to affect crop production in underdevelopment with much impact. Since there are no adequate industries to offer employment opportunities to all its citizens. So, by interest or lack of option they have to depend on agriculture. Where farmers depend on natural forecast for irrigation as they have limited irrigation facilities. However advance technologies, improved breed of crops, genetically modified plants, advanced irrigation and indoor cultivation practices in developed area is likely to make minimum impact. Agriculture also contributes to climate change by emission of greenhouse gases also conversion of forest is into cultivable land. The globalization now is ensuring food security even in remote land of third world countries. Even though the problem lies in the root i.e. poor countries will be affected most. The IPCC third assessment report, which was published in the year 2001 also supports the argument. The decrease in potential yield of crop will be shortened causing inadequate production.

These rapid changes in physiology and production of crops most evident in underdeveloped area will not let sufficient time for biota adjustment. Most of agriculturist now believe that agriculture production will be mostly affected by the severity and pace of climate change and third world/underdeveloped countries will be hit hard by the consequences.