Global warming; Will it affect me?by Sachin Regmi | 31-01-2019 12:04 |
Yes. The extent or degree depends upon your age, profession and your place of residence. If you are a farmer who deals with organic coffee somewhere in Nepal. The world demand will be rocketing, you will require to produce more than ever but then you hit an insect attack, a drought problem or dying coffee plants dur to unknown etiology. Ultimately these things sum to your decreased coffee bean production, both in quality and quantity thus lowering your income. If you are a doctor practicing somewhere in chitwan. You will be having good home, enough money and beautiful life. Just then your home sweep away by Narayani river. Flood and landslide adding to your episode in life. The condition is likely as glaciers are melting, It is raining more than ever in some part of country. Suppose you are a leading livestock keeper. Your animals will be facing problems from parasites, bacteria and another disease-causing organism. We are now facing the problem of mosquito even in high Himalayas. Mosquito are dangerous since they are vector for many diseases. Suppose you are a youth who is having a good vision or dream towards future. Reading good with excellent exam mark. You may have a flood in your area or conditions like excess rain or drought. You will be paying 10 times more for a cup of coffee to what you have been paying now. Diseases infection are record high. Your childhood memories will be ruined and all. Conclusion: The global warming will surely hit us all. The only way to tackle the problem is attempt to solve the issue before signs are seen and it is too late. Youths are most to act for the cause since they will be here for longer time facing the consequences of the actions of their ancestors. Lets again make the world a better place to live. Let's act together before it is too late. |