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Promotion of Tunza EcoGeneration

by Kushal Naharki | 28-01-2019 21:47

It is the digital era in which we have been living with new innovations happening every now and then which has great influence in our lives. I have always been trying something new and innovative to promote our elite platform of Tunza EcoGneration as Regional Ambassador of Nepal. This time I am created a poster for the promotion of our platform which includes all the opportunities available in the platform so that youth and children get inspired and motivated to join the platform. As you might know, how hard and time consuming it is to design the posters, as it needs lots of creativity, skills and your devotion to the work you have been doing. I will be writing a blog along with this poster and sharing on social media. I will also write a report to update you further about the blog which will be a promotional article including all the opportunities in our platform to engage more people. 
Tunza Promotion Photo
I have also designed the logo of Tunza EcoNetwork Nepal, Ambassador Forum of EcoGeneration in Whatapp and certificate for the partcipation of myoline campaign for the promotion of Tunza Ecogeneration. 
Tunza Logo
Tunza online certificate

Whats app group photo

Thank you for all the love and support you have been providing. I feel glad to be a part of such an amazing family. I would also like to encourage more youths and children to join this elite platform of Tunza EcoGeneration.

Green Cheers :) :)