Eco Farmingby Kushal Naharki | 25-01-2019 19:47 |
![]() With high rate of population growth (1.35% as per 2011 census), the traditional subsistence farming practices hasn¡¯t been able to keep pace of growing population. This has resulted encroachment of marginal lands accelerating the soil erosions, deforestation and haphazard use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This is not just the case of Nepal, but every developing nation dependent on agriculture. Nepal has been undergoing through serious environmental maladies. Population growth along unmanaged urbanization and industrialization has resulted in farming in land which are unfit for sustained farming, disappearing trees from forest and increase in soil erosion, landslides and flood. Modern urban development has disfigured the environment invading fertile lands for construction and development purpose. The productivity of the land is declining as fertile land of Terai has been converted into plotting areas for building houses and establishing industries with even increase in migration from hill and mountain region. The topography and lack of infrastructure in hill and mountain region has hampered in the agricultural development of the nation. Eco Farming can be suitable remedy making farming congenial to the existing conditions. Eco farming is sustainable farming practices which conserves soil and has various sustainable perspectives. The maintenance of soil is an important aspect of eco farming. With the idea of terracing farming increasing in hilly areas, farmers are aware about the conservation of soil. Although the place of organic fertilizers that were used in earlier are being replaced by the chemical fertilizers, the awareness of organic fertilizer among the growers and consumer is increasing. The Manang district has been called as organic district as they the production are free from chemical fertilizers there. Nepal has mixed crop-based economy, so crop rotation has been commonly practiced. Although, practices mayn¡¯t be scientific Eco farming, the practices by farmers are some what near to sustainable farming methods. The main drawbacks for going eco farming are farmers being deprived from modern education and agriculture services. If primary agriculture services from the government could be provided, the farmers progress more to launch environmentally sustainable farming practices. Nepalese farmers should be made familiar with integrated pest management. The indigenous farmer of Nepal has been practicing mixed farming method to raise crop with eco friendly way of farming although they might be doing it unknowingly. Introducing ecologically sound farming practices, the farmers can be more profited to produce healthy crop and balance their environmental base in order to make it fit for future generation. Therefore, rural small landholding farmers should be guided by the practice of land use zoning, modern soil conserving methods and balance the environmental capability.