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Policies for a Green economy

by Neha Swaminathan | 22-01-2019 03:35

Hello to everyone,

I am a bit late on submitting my monthly article on eco policies, I would like to establish for my nation. Some such policies, I think of as below.


Make it a global law to appoint an Eco Minister for every 1 million people and supported by one Eco officer for every 5000 or 10000 people. There should also be Eco Police and Eco Courts of Law in every village where people causing damage are punished and corrected TO BUILD SUSTAINABILITY OF LIVES. 

SAVE ANIMALS: Animals should be saved from poachers by banning all luxury items made from the animals like products made from ivory, feathers, animal skins etc. Impose hefty fines on poachers or put them in prisons and make them learn care for animals. 

SAVE THE WORLD FROM E-WASTE: The world is getting drowned by the huge e-waste from using too many electronic devices and changing them frequently. Globally recycling facilities need to be created to be able to absorb the e-waste and recycle them efficiently. The funds for such facilities have to be partly met by allocation from government resources and partly by levy of duties on newer electronic products, especially the ones used for domestic luxury. 

CARBON TAX: Introduce a Carbon Tax for each individual and companies. By levying a carbon tax on each item according to the contents of each item, we can make people pay higher for more environmentally damaging items. Similarly by levying higher costs in cities, we can make people prefer smaller cities and bring in all round development. Carbon taxes collected can be used for funding research to manufacture eco-friendly products. 

SPREAD ENVIRONMENTAL CARE USING MUSIC and TV: Music soothes everybody¡¯s mind. Use the television and film media to introduce at least one song in every movie highlighting care for sustainable life on Earth. All world news channels should spend a few minutes of air time to spread UN or other NGO publicity materials on environmental issues during news time. Only companies that sell sustainable products should be allowed to buy TV air-time. 

Eco free zones should be opened in every country. The eco free zones should be model cities working on 100% eco-friendly and long term sustainability principles. The benefits and subsidies given to such eco free zones should enable the companies therein to make new green innovations and sell eco-friendly products.