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Separate waste collection in Russia: tax changes of 2019

by Nikolay Dagaev | 18-01-2019 06:05

Good day friends! As you may recall, in my work as regional Ambassador, I pay great attention to the problem of separate waste collection. And in one of my reports I have already analyzed the scale of this problem in Russia. In this report, I would like to describe the innovations that have taken place in the legislative framework of my country on this issue.

Since the beginning of this year in Russia began to apply a new system of calculation of payment for the export of household waste. Now the amount of payment depends not on the area of the premises, but on the number of registered tenants. And tariffs are determined by the regional authorities.

I myself come from the Rostov region – it is the South of Russia. In the Rostov region annually produces 1 million 600 thousand tons of waste. Now in the region there are 268 landfills, 31 of which are authorized. About 90% of the total waste is buried. With the introduction of a new system of garbage collection in the Rostov region earned eight operators.

Teamsters at waste have a new financial motivation. They receive money only when they bring waste to the landfill. It means that now it is economically inexpedient for them to take out garbage in a forest belt.

To date, tariffs for all eight regional operators have been determined.  Standards of accumulation in the Rostov region are also established: minimum-1.86 cubic meters of household waste per year, maximum — 3.12. At the same time, the indicator differs depending on the municipality. So, in the largest city is Rostov, it is to 3.08−3.12 cubic meters in the 11 remaining urban districts — 3,01−of 3.06, for rural areas — 1,86−2,02. However, residents of the Rostov region have a legal way to lower the amount for garbage removal.

If a person will divide the waste into two categories (organic and inorganic), will be applied coeficent 0.96, and if three or more — 0.86.  Thus, separate garbage collection will help residents of the Rostov region to save on its export

In 2019, the Rostov region became the only region in Russia where a reduced coefficient for separate garbage collection is provided.

To do this, the management company, by the decision of the tenants, must apply to the operator serving the house with the appropriate application. In this case, containers for the collection of certain types of waste must be purchased by the owner.

In my opinion, this is a great example of how differentiation of taxes to stimulate environmentally sound behaviour of the population.