Climate change is a burning issue with hot spell or cold snap at wrong time in the global
arena that requires a current attention for mitigating its negative impacts on human, his environment and his animals.
Climate issue and it¡¯s mitigation is getting more popularity after U.S president Trump announced that the U.S.would cease all participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement;the lifeline for small islands and vulnerable communities like ours where we contribute very little to carbon emission but seriously we are 4th vulnerable in terms of climate change.
UNFCCC(united Nations framework convention on climate change) is an international environment treaty negotiated at Earth summit in Rio de Janerio,1992 and entered into force in 1994 with main objective to stabilize green house gases concentrations in atmosphere at a level that would prevent human induced climate change.Every year since 1995, for the justice of those who contribute little and for climate change mitigation,annually representatives from more than 100 countries have been participating in (COP) Conference of Parties.COP in my city is a youth led project with the ambition to bridge the gap between climate negotiations and youths in order to inspire local climate actions,raise awareness,foster education and action at the grass root level about climate change across cities around the world and create community of youth climate leaders.
In the last week of May 2017 COP IN MY CITY-Manthali Nepal was organized successfully with active participation of around 200 students from different academic background in different days.I conducted the program among grade 8,9,10,11 and 12 students in 4 different schools of Manthali in different days and different classes with the aim of reaching maximum participants from my districts.Me,Dibya Bhatta introduced participants about climate change,current status,concept of cop in my city,outcomes and summary of cop conducted till date.
The interesting part of the program was the simulation.In the simulation, participants were grouped into developed countries;Develped countries,developing countries,fossil fuel industries,climate activist,EU,Media with six members in each group with a person assigned as team leader.Then briefing sheet was given and instruction about the world of diplomacy and formality was taught.They discussed about concrete action plan upto 2030,2050 and 2100.Team leaders presented their action plan and their commitments to change the climate change and reduce the green house gas emission.After agreement of different parties final agreement was presented by a participant playing the role of UN GENERAL SECRETARY.
At the end of each COP sessions a group photo was taken.In this way cop in my city-Manthali was organized successfully with active participation of energetic youths.It triggered the sense of responsibility among youths on climate issues.As a COP in my city leader-2017.
Since then I have been teaching environment education and climate change related topics to students.
I also conducted People's climate March in Rupundehi Nepal after coming back from Nepal climate convergence To aware the mass at once .
3.we conducted Sanitation and plantation program in Sauraha Nepal To beat plastic pollution in tourist area of chitwan.
4.I also organized Volunteer Plant health camp in Manthali To assist farmers on plant diseases and best and was assisted by ecogeneration.
5.Organized inter school junk art exhibition in Manthali and encouraged young minds to reuse and recycle plastic waste.
6.also formed junior Tunza eco club in my school to raise awareness among curious minds And help them manage their waste,beautyfy Their surroundings and create heslthy school and homes.
My responsibility is not over yet.I will continue to advocate on climate issues and correlate it with my field agriculture.Many More simulations to go and reach many more youths!!
My future dream project:
To establish A vertical farm in school premises to manage the solid waste of school and plantation of ornamental plants in school and make most out of waste.
I will send the proposal of my dream project to to ecogeneration as well!
I would like to seek support from my mentors ,friends and Tunza ecogeneration to support my project.
Green cheers!!