How to protect Baikal?by Nikolay Dagaev | 18-12-2018 20:21 |
![]() ![]() Lake Baikal is one of the most picturesque places in the world. This is the oldest lake (its age is about 25-35 million years), lying in the rift basin. It is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia. Baikal is the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth, it contains 22% of all fresh clean and clear water in the world and 85% of Russia. The volume of water is 23 thousand km3 (five combined Great lakes in the United States).Lake area – 31,7 thousand km2, is the seventh largest in the world after the Caspian sea-lake, lake Victoria, Tanganyika, Huron, Michigan, the Upper or the area of the country Belgium or the Netherlands. The length of the lake is 636 km, it is the widest in the center (81 km), the narrowest – about the Delta of the river Serenga (27 km).It should also be noted that Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.WaterThe water in the lake is crystal clear, at a depth of 35-40 meters you can even distinguish individual stones, especially in the spring, when the water becomes blue.An interesting fact: the purity of Baikal water – by the way, very cold (the temperature of the surface layers even in the warm season does not exceed an average of +8-9¡Æ C) – is supported by microscopic crustaceans epishura, one of the most famous local endemics. In the course of their life is 1.5-millimeter shellfish consumes the organic matter (algae), passing through its small body water. The role of epishura in the ecosystem of the lake is difficult to overestimate: it forms 90 percent or more of its biomass, serving in turn as a food for the Baikal omul and predatory invertebrates. In the processes of self-purification of Baikal prominent role is also played or oligochaetes oligochaetes, with 84.5 per cent of which are endemic.Flora and faunaBoth Baikal and the coastal areas are distinguished by the unique flora and fauna in their diversity, which makes these places truly unique.Of the 2,600 species and subspecies of local fauna, more than half of aquatic animals are endemic. From fish can also be identified grayling, Baikal sturgeon, whitefish, trout, pike, burbot and others.If the lake biosphere is represented as a pyramid, it will be crowned by the Baikal seal or seal, which is the only mammal in this reservoir. Almost all the time he lives in the water. The only exception is autumn, when the seal lies massively on rocky shores, forming a kind of"settlement". Coast and Islands masters and many other inhabitants of the lake – for example, gulls, Gogol, shelducks, krohali, eagles and other birds. Characteristic of these places and such a phenomenon as access to the shore, and in large quantities, brown bears. And in the mountain Baikal taiga can be found musk deer-the smallest deer on Earth.ClimateClimatic conditions on the lake, what is called a match to its unique features: it's the sun mercilessly scorches and the cold winds blow, raging storms, and installed the most serene weather that is conducive to a beach holiday.Lake Baikal is so majestic that it is often called the Siberian sea. In 1996, it was included in the UNESCO world heritage list. But not only because of the unique ecosystem that requires careful attention – there are also many historical and architectural attractions, not to mention the monuments of nature and culture.As I said above, the water in Baikal is very clean. It can be used to drink directly from the lake and even do not boil. But now to Baikal rushed crowds of tourists who heavily pollute the area, so now, before you drink Baikal water, you should ask the locals in what place it can be done.Ecosystem at riskThe fact of Baikal pollution has been considered as a serious problem for about 20 years, and it is still relevant. Who is the culprit of the incident?First, the hydro station. In 1956, the unique lake was included in the system of the Irkutsk reservoir. Violation of water exchange affected the water level, which rose by 1 meter. Such a sharp jump was the strongest blow to the unique ecosystem. As a result, more than 500 square kilometers of coastal areas were flooded. In the future, there were fluctuations in the water level, detrimental to the biological condition of the lake: numerous nests of birds, spawning areas and other important areas were destroyed.Second, industry. The pulp and paper mill (pulp and paper mill) was built in 1966. For several years, the production used the water of the lake for its own needs, and then the same, but already polluted wastewater poisoned Baikal, throwing the waste material back. In addition, the air pollution of Baikal by the plant played a significant role. It is obvious that such a significant pollution of lake Baikal affected the flora and fauna, as well as greatly destroyed the bottom sediments. The operation of the mill then stopped, then again started in full force. In 2008, a special closed water circulation system was installed at the pulp and paper mill — it was supposed to help reduce the impact of pollution.These are the main sources of pollution, but there are other problems. For example, poaching, which significantly reduced the population of the Baikal seal — a unique species that has become a symbol of the inhumane attitude of people to natural resources. The main target of poachers became the young seals, squirrels, fur which is extremely highly valued. Of course, to deal with this problem is not just important, but necessary for the preservation of the species. Another problem is that unorganized tourism, leading to pollution of coastal areas. Finally, illegal deforestation on the territory of lake Baikal is becoming one of the major causes of destruction of the unique ecosystem of lake Baikal.What can be done?* At the moment, the degree of pollution of the lake is not yet the maximum, and the devastating impact is still reversible. But the level of toxic substances in the water is still much higher than normal, which means that it is necessary to take measures to improve the situation. Today, such steps are carried out at all levels: state and initiative, by activist movements and charitable organizations. At the state level, the main measures to reduce the level of pollution of lake Baikal are:* Adoption of the Federal law "on lake Baikal" in 1999.* Suspension of the Baikal PPM and its possible re-profiling, which will protect the lake from pollution by emissions.* Reduction of toxic discharges into the Selenga river.* Control and full maintenance of parks and reserves located on the territory of the lake.* Funding and support of the scientific component: continuous study of the lake and surrounding areas, regular water samples, control of the number of plant and animal species.Volunteers save lake BaikalSimultaneously with the official actions of the authorities, they are actively fighting for the preservation of a variety of activist movements, launching various projects related to the restoration of the Baikal environment. The most famous projects, in which volunteers participated, were the following:1) Great Baikal trail: volunteers from different regions of the country have been devoting several seasons of the project to the works devoted to the formation of the so-called "ecological trails". They clean up debris and equip routes for Hiking.2) save Baikal: in this project, volunteers have been trying for several years to implement a system of public control of lake areas, protect them from clogging and collect and further sort garbage.3) Protected Baikal: this Association operates in the summer camp on lake Baikal, where for two weeks the participants are cleaning the Baikal Park and the Baikal-Lena reserve.Although new solutions are constantly being adopted, the question of preserving the unique flora and fauna remains open. Fortunately, there is hope for a compromise between economic needs and humanity. And each person, if desired, can contribute to the struggle to achieve this goal.Source: |