Nature Vs Technologyby Kushal Naharki | 01-12-2018 20:18 |
![]() We are so bounded by technologies that we use technologies from morning to night without taking into considerations the effects they are causing. We are just moving towards easier and comfortable life of our but we have forgotten how difficult it has made other creatures life. As we ambassadors have listed movies that have environmental message last most, i would like to add one more to the list. The recently added movie on the list is "2.0". This movie released this week. 2.0 is a Bollywood movie which is sequel to 2010 movie "Robot" directed by Shankar and acted by RajniKant and Akshya Kumar. This movie deals with how mobile technology has affected the life of birds. It shows the fight between nature and technology. The radiations released by the mobile towers are affecting the life of birth and their reproduction. Bird are so important part of our ecosystem. They feed on the insects and pests which we destroy all the foods of world if not controlled. As ecosystem balances all these by its own food chain but due to the advancement and over use of technology the birds are being heavily affected causing the fight between nature and technology for the survival. This movie is just an example of how we are destroying our nature by itself. There are many small negligible acts that we are performing that are harming to the nature in great extent. Our small act also can cause great impacts. So, we must realize the negative impacts that our activities are causing to the nature and maintain the good relationship between nature and technology. Lets bring the change and make Earth a better planet to live.