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Environment Protection Act, 2053 (1997) in Nepal

by Deepak Subedi | 14-10-2018 12:58

Environment Policies in Nepal

Environment Protection Act, 2053 (1997)

Act No 24 of the year 2053 (1997)

An Act Made to Provide for the Protection of Environment

I have presented Section 7 and Section 18 of Act No 24 of the year 2053 (1997) i.e. Environment Protection Act, 2053 (1997)

Prevention and Control of Pollution: Section 7

(1) Nobody shall create pollution in such a manner as to cause significant adverse impacts on the environment or likely to be hazardous to public life and people's health, or dispose or cause to be disposed sound, heat radioactive rays and wastes from any mechanical devices, industrial enterprises, or other places contrary to the prescribed standards.

(2) If it appears that anyone has carried out any act contrary to Subsection (1) and caused significant adverse impacts on the environment, the concerned agency may prescribe necessary terms in regard thereto or may prohibit the carrying out of such an act.

(3)If it appears that the use of any types of substance, fuel, tools or device has caused or is likely to cause significant adverse impacts on the environment, the Ministry may, by a notification in the Nepal Gazette, forbid the use of such substance, fuel, tools or device.

(4) Other provision relating to the prevention and control of pollution shall be as prescribed.

Punishment: Section 18

 (1) In case any person carries out any act without getting a proposal approved under Section 6 or any act contrary to the approved proposal, the prescribed authority may stop such act immediately, and if any person or organization has done such act, may according to the degree of offence punish him/her with a fine up to one hundred thousand rupees.

(2) In case any person commits any other acts contrary this Act or the Rules or guidelines framed here under, the prescribed authority may require stopping such act immediately, and if any person or organization has done such act, punishing him/her, according to the degree of the offence, with a fine up to fifty thousand rupees.

My view in two sections of this law

My country is still following the policy of 1997A.D.  which do not have any classification of pollution and major pollution i.e. plastic pollution is not mentioned here. This policy is not strict so that pollution is increasing day by day. Regarding punishment Rs 50,000=$500 cash payment is good, but it is not implemented, if this policy implement properly then pollution will be reduced. Government must bring policy for plastic pollution and its management and punishment policy must me properly implemented.