Establish Plastic Policy for my Countryby Rosa Domingos | 03-10-2018 19:02 |
The environmental laws of South Africa collectively known as the NEMA act serve as provide the right to every person for a non-harmful environment and simultaneously mandates the government to protect the environment (Enviro Editor, 2010). But specific policies have not been put in place for the dire pollution taking place in rural areas (specifically) and cities. If given the opportunity, I would like to establish a policy that would ban single-use plastic and paper. Too many times, we are addressed with paper and plastic lying around our streets, parks, stadiums, etc. but we hardly have a legalised framework to cater for these mobile single use materials. Currently, NGOs host a number of clean-up campaigns, where they would call on the masses to participate in cleaning up a river (that's how bad the situation really is) or park withing their communities and hold up rallys in an effort to address the issue. Single-use palstic (Enviro Editor, 2010). But the problem is not with this pollution itself, but by lack of enforcement, and lack of governance within our country to rightly put up strict policies on matters of the environment. The polluter pays principle can only take a country so far, it may even happen that the polluter won't be able to honour the fine due to it being too high. Paper pollution (10 Interesting Littering Facts, 2012) A behavioural shift needs to take place. One where the people are made aware of the circumstance they are in and how polluting will further worsen their situation. What good are the International Coastal Clean-up Day (19 September), Clean-up and Recycle SA week (11 - 17 September) and World Clean-up Day (15 September 2018) if they are only shown importance for one week or a day (Dept' of Environmetal Affairs, 2017)? International Coastal Clean Up Day (Dept' of Environmetal Affairs, 2017) The message should be set every week. Awareness and clean-up programmes should be the order of the day, everyday! Hence the second policy ( apart from the zero food waste from the previous report) I would like to establish is Zero Plastic and Paper selling and usage. Reference list Enviro Editor. 2010. NEMA – South Africa National Environmental Management Act – Legislation and Environmental Acts. [Online]. Available: June 3, 2010. Accessed: October 3, 2018. Clean-up and Recycle SA Week. 2017. Department of Environmental Affairs. [Online]. Available: 2017. Accessed: October 3, 2018. Images 10 Interesting Littering Facts. 2012. DAILY WORLD FACTS: Interesting Facts around the world. [Online]. Available: March 12, 2012. Accessed: October 3, 2018. Enviro Editor. 2010. NEMA – South Africa National Environmental Management Act – Legislation and Environmental Acts. [Online]. Available: June 3, 2010. Accessed: October 3, 2018. Clean-up and Recycle SA Week. 2017. Department of Environmental Affairs. [Online]. Available: 2017. Accessed: October 3, 2018. |