Ozone layer- A protective umbrellaby Sandip Paudel | 27-09-2018 21:49 |
![]() Ozone layer is the protective covering of the earth acting as major layer in zone of atmosphere. Under the diversing classification of zonal layer of atmosphere it belongs to the stratosphere layer. It measure about 7-8 km thickness behaving as a protective covering and remain as life guarding material. Meterologically, there are two type of ozone: Beneficial and Harmful Chemically, ozone is a toxic, relatively unstable gas with high oxidizing capability. It has got the virucidal properties and act as superchlorinating or complete chlorine digester agent. It decomposes fastely and disapper. Ozone layer depletion- Causes: -Wide spread use of Chloro Flouro Carbon (CFC). About 20% CFC's are produce in spray cans another 25% in blowing foams and the remaining 20% for cleaning and other purposes. -Some halons are used primarily as extinguishers. -They produce ten times more damage to the ozone Majorly, Ozone layer depletion substances (ODS) are halons, CCl4 , methyl chloroform, methyl bromide, HCFC's (HydrochloroFlouro Carbon) etc. Various health hazards is found to be associated with diminished ozone layer. Some are enlisted below- Skin Cancer, low immunity, rise in temperature, affect marine ecosystem, eye disease, decrese plant production, hamper entire food chain Overally, entire human civilization, existence is in risk of extinction. Our daily activities adds a fuel in the depleting rate of ozone. Behaviour alternation, adoptation of alternative practices, minimization of the production and use of ODS, could essentially be beneficial act for preserving the roof above us. Therefore, Start from you and Act today, before it is too late. Our and future generation life is in our hand. Be Wise Go Green Preserve The Humanity. |