Humans and Ozoneby Mathieu DOHOUNHEHO | 10-09-2018 22:33 |
![]() The environment is made up of all terrestrial and marine biodiversity, i.e. all animal and plant species and the ecosystems in which they occur. All these different natural resources complement and are essential to the life of the human species and the Earth. But the point is that some human activities degrade and pollute the environment such as: - the withdrawal of resources without any concern for their renewal, deforestation, the eradication of animal and plant species, pollution of water, soil, air... - the misuse of unsynthesized chemicals........ and threaten the survival of all. Some resources, such as fossil fuels, are not renewable, and are consumed on a massive scale until they are exhausted. All these human actions have direct consequences on nature and especially on the ozone layer that protects us. The ozone layer or ozonosphere refers to the part of the stratosphere with a high concentration of ozone containing a significant amount of ozone. Ozone (the triple molecule of oxygen) is a colourless gas, very rare, present in the entire Earth's atmosphere. This gas is present at two different altitudes: 20 or 30 kilometres above the ground according to the Ozone Secretariat. The ozone layer contains more than 90% of the ozone and acts as an invisible protector of all beings on earth from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. In 1913 the French physicists Henri Buisson and Charles Fabry, thanks to optical intervention, contacted on this protective layer the appearance of a hole at low altitude. What could have caused this hole to appear on this layer which is located several kilometers from the earth? and How did it happen? There are kinds of questions that come to mind when we talk about the depletion or destruction of the ozone layer. So in the past, several credible scientific studies have shown that the cause of ozone depletion is human activity. Human activities are the main factors responsible for disrupting this natural balance, mainly due to emissions into the atmosphere of synthetic chemicals known as ozone-depleting substances (ODS). These are stable substances that are not broken down in the lower atmosphere and contain chlorine and/or bromine. Ozone-depleting substances that contain chlorine include chlorurofluorocarbons (CFCs), carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Halons, bromomethane and hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs) are ODS that contain bromine. Faced with these deregulations, it is urgent to find long-term solutions that can be adapted to each region of the world since the problems vary from one environment to another. We now had to change our ways of life. We must protect and respect our environment. The environment in which we live today was not like this, it is no longer liveable and we have an obligation to repair it to ensure a sustainable future for future generations. Thus, we must: - Use your car less often - Look for the active ingredients in your fire extinguisher. - Avoid using aerosol products containing CFCs - Plant enough trees and preserve our forests - Buy untreated methyl bromide wood - Adapt the amount of fertilizer used to crop needs - Use fertilizer and additive formulas that reduce emissions - Choose the right fertilization period to ensure maximum nitrogen absorption - Use fertilizer application with precision to limit nitrogen loss to the atmosphere - Eat organic food - Avoid eating meat Reference: - - - |