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Segregation of waste is the key

by Rohan Kapur | 01-09-2018 13:58

While we debate the environmental problems created by plastic waste, it is to be understood that Plastic is not the problem. We are. If we desist from throwing the plastic waste into trash, it will not lie in Landfills & oceans. To mitigate the problem the first action is saving the trash from plastic. Now, if are successful in this initiative than the further process of recycling may arise. Therefore, it is the collective responsibility of each individual not to throw plastic into trash bins.

Governments will contribute their bit, scientists also will contribute their bit of effort. In fact, they are doing it right now as we read this article. 24 X 7 scientific types of research are being conducted around the globe to find ways of treating this menace. Public funding is mobilized by all the governments to tackle plastic waste. 

Today I will share the efforts of Padma Shri Dr Rajagopalan Vasudevan, an Indian Researcher. He has successfully used plastic waste to pave roads and to make building material.

He has discovered that molten plastic is an excellent binder. If mixed with Bitumen it increases the tensile strength of the road by making it more durable and flexible. It secures the road by preventing pothole formation also. A layer of molten plastic fills the space between the gravel & bitumen and it helps to prevent rainwater to seep in and thus save the road from developing structural defects. Bitumen is a black tarry substance mixed with gravel to lay roads.


Ten per cent of molten plastic is used with Ninety per cent of bitumen in this process. To lay a kilometre of road, 10 tonnes of bitumen is required, therefore 1 tonne of molten plastic may be used in each kilometre of the road and we are saving on a tonne of bitumen also.

Dr Rajagopalan has created eco-friendly building material also that consumes 40 per cent more waste plastic than that is used in road laying process. It is called plastone. It is lasting, durable and cheap. It involves merging waste plastic and stone with limestone, ceramic waste and granite. A square meter of tile costs Rs. 100 [USD 1.40]. This is cost effective and durable both. This tile can be used in villages & towns alike.

A mass production of both the above creations can result in using tonnes of waste plastic into the manufacturing process. This can create a recycling revolution. Till now, almost Ten Thousand kilometres of the road has been paved using waste plastic in molten form.


Dr Rajagopalan has patented this invention. But, as I mentioned before the onus is upon us [all individuals; roughly 7 billion of us] to ensure that no plastic is thrown as trash. This is a challenge. And this is a challenge for our survival too. If we need to save our landfills, save our oceans such measures must be encouraged and utilized in our daily life.

This is the reason that I am dedicated to recycling each type of material. 

Please think before disposal and segregate the waste before disposing of. This requires tough mental acumen to make recycling a habit.

Two videos of him are attached for learning more: .  

Some pictures are also attached. Thanks for reading.