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Food not poison

by Asmita Gaire | 22-08-2018 12:20

Use of poison in food is exceeding alarmingly which has become the biggest threat to mankind. The situation has arrived where we are compelled to think on the matter that are we actually relying on food or are we more likely feeding on poison! The condition is drastically vulnerable. Use of pesticides has exceeded the recommended amount. People have almost forgotten the use of organic forming in the step towards commercialization and modernization of agriculture sectors, especially in developing and undeveloped countries. But in some countries biologically control pest are being adopted as pest control measures. This is actually the need of today. Get inclined more towards organic farming and less towards pesticides. Using chemicals in agriculture means you are injecting slow poison on yourselves.

For this, here?s some photos of Powerpoint presentation competition on #foodnotpoison recently conducted at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, which proved out to be highly praiseworthy.

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