ORGANIC FARMINGby Prajina Neupane | 20-08-2018 00:39 |
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides as a means of intensive cultivation to boost up our food production has caused considerable damage to our soil health and the environment. This has been criticized recently by many environmentalists. This has focused the attention of several experts in ecologically sound,viable and sustainable farming system known as organic farming. Organic farming is certainly not a new method of growing crops. Organic farming is a cultivation of plants in which inorganic production inputs are eliminated or used at the bare minimum. Nature is dependent on soil to maintain a healthy balance for sustained production. This system entirely relies on crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures, green manures, legumes, off-farm organic wastes, biofertilizers, mechanical cultivation etc. and aspects of biological pest control to maintain soil productivity and tilth to supply nutrients and to control insects, weeds and other pests. This system is often referred as biological farming or regenerative farming or sustainable farming and eco-friendly farming. Organic farming is essential because chemical fertilizers have an adverse effect on soil life; they do not supply humus and destruct the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Chemical fertilizers are costly. Indiscriminate application of pesticides could also lead to residue in horticultural crops which are mostly consumed raw by us. Due to continuous use of pesticides and chemicals, the pests and disease causing insects become resistant to the chemicals. There is also a premium for the horticultural producers which are raised under organic farming Therefore to save the nature and soil and its balance, organic farming can also be considered as the best alternative.