20th Eco-gen Ambassador Program-
Continuation of 2nd Report, August 2018
As I promised, please find below the answers to the Word Puzzle in my last report. Please visit the link below to the original report
I am also attaching the unsolved puzzle here again for easy reference.
Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the word puzzle as much as I enjoyed creating it! And of course all of us will equally enjoy working towards realizing our eco dreams, as also using our education and abilities to pave a sustainable and green future.
My eco dream is to join hands with my fellow active youth , and Tunza Ecogeneration forum, to forge a sustainable green future for the planet ... A planet where...
...We care for nature and conserve our unique biodiversity considering it as a boon ; and regularly plant trees to promote afforestation , with the aim to control pollution, global warming and soil run off.
...We are aware of the need to save water , energy and paper ; and use them judiciously without any wastage.
...We are conscious about the importance of conservation of non-renewable resources and use public transport or carpool or cycles.
...We work towards achieving a zero carbon footprint by following the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle, and upcycle; supported with proper waste management plan.
...We use engineering and technology to design Ecocities, employing renewable sources of clean energy, such as Solar,Hydel, Wind and Biogas.
I count on the support of my Tunza Ecogen family, to realize this dream. So let us engage in team work ,to
Innovate, Initiate and Inspire;
Cooperate, Communicate and Collaborate; and
Educate, Endeavor and Enterprise,
with the aim to protect our environment from getting devastated.