The Best of Finance Subjectby Ishimwe Eric Josue | 16-08-2018 19:09 |
![]() I was always wondering how things are interconnected and how every subject influence each other. When I completed my high school courses, I had guts for the economics subject in higher education but unfortunately was not lucky to advance within economics. Later on I realized how closely they are. From that experience, I explored more about the relationship between any existing subject in education and that's what I'm going to share with you in my last report of 20th ambassadorship. Being part of different environmental movements caught my attention to learn how I could apply what I possess within environmental sector. I draw on my education background and it is from there that I come-up with a conscience about the influence and catalyst of financial sector within the environmental sector; I mean environmental projects. There is a saying that "money is an idea" and the truth is that you can't separate the two concepts in reality. You may think and plan but without finance you can't execute what you already started. When talking about the environmental challenges that emerged years and decades ago, we mean a sustainable solution that will last for generations and generations to come; not something emerge today and disappear tomorrow. So when you want to come up with something more sensible by addressing the problem profoundly, it is important to include financial plan that goes along the idea or solution and from there we get the full meaning of the word sustainability which signify the lasting solution. Something sustainable is something that is financially feasible, and something that address the problem profoundly. This motto of "leaving the world a better place for future generations" is not something that have only what to do with the environmental sector and all single units that operate within, rather all sectors; I mean Finance, Business, Economics, Politics and all subjects. When we call people to find solutions for the environmental challenges and not to intervene with other sectors, it is like telling someone to swim and not getting wet; I mean it doesn't make any sense. That's why we are all here, gathered on this platform from different education backgrounds and sectors. Isn't it? By closing, I think the Eco-generation and Samsung Engineering had that revelation of taking into consideration our differentiated education background, and how they can be used for common benefits drawing on the purpose of the platform. When you gathered diversified people either by educations, cultures, careers or beliefs, you first need to acknowledge their differentiation and from there you may realize their potentials by individual. I think Eco-generation understands well that philosophy and that's why we are gathered herein from distinguished education backgrounds. |