the Arctic - a beautiful place that we need to preserveby Adrianna Wojtyna | 16-08-2018 01:11 |
When we think about the Arctic, the first things which come to our minds are extreme cold, ice, and polar bears. We imagine the endless cover of ice, the rich variety of animal species living and thriving in that region. However, this image may become history due to the climate change, which progresses extraordinarily fast around the North Pole. In the research published in the December 12 issue of Geophysical Research Letters, scientists predict that by 2040, the Artic will be free of ice during the summer season (1). Rising temperature which leads to the ice melting not only affected the arctic environment but has influence on the rest of the world. Tons of water are released into the ocean, which results in the increase of the world ocean level. Such events might threat the existence of many cities, placed near the coastline. Decreasing amount of ice present during the July of 2018 by about 42% below the volume in 1979, may also cause danger for the environments in other parts of the world (2). Increasing temperature also results in the disappearance of permafrost, which contributes to the release of additional greenhouse gases to the atmosphere due to bacteria activity (3), as well as affects the houses of local communities (4). Since the Arctic is extremely vulnerable to any climate changes, such phenomena observed on its premises might me a warning sign of the alterations taking place all around the world. Since all of the observed changes are due to the increase of temperature, influenced by the climate change and release of greenhouse gases, the measures should be undertaken to decrease the rate of its rise. Capturing carbon dioxide or geoengineering might be the answers to decrease the temperature rise in the future. However, the contribution of the whole population is necessary to make the action effective. It is very important to realize that even though the Arctic might be far away from our homes, the changes taking place there at the moment might have a visible impact on out surrounding. This long distance of this environment from our everyday life may sometimes give us allowance to neglect its state. However, rising water levels, extreme weather conditions – these are just a couple examples which we can directly experience. Rising awareness of the society about the threats which make become reality, if we do not act, may give an encouragement to curb our energy needs, strive to reduce our carbon footprint and decrease the production of greenhouse gases, contributing to the climate change. Furthermore, educational campaigns should also put emphasis on the scale of the changes of the Arctic environment in order to accentuate the danger under which this place is. Those surprisingly large numbers and statistics, presenting the rate of change of temperatures and the plummet in the volume of the ice, are disturbing, yet tangible and relatable for each of us. As a result, supporting the statements with pure data might also give an impetus to get involved in pro-ecological solutions. Finally, presenting the beauty and richness of nature that might be lost due to such environmental changes will allow to realize that the Arctic is the home to a richens of fauna and flora. Although during the wintertime, the Arctic may seem to be a snow desert, without life, it is actually a home to many fascinating animal species, like seals, Arctic fox or narwhals. However, if we do not react now, we might not be able to see those fascinating species again. (1) "Abrupt ice retreat could produce ice-free arctic summers by 2040", (2) "Arctic Sea Ice Volume Anomaly" (3) "Arctic science: Bacteria warm up permafrost?", (4) "The Race to Save Arctic Cities As Permafrost Melts", Melody Schreiber |