What Can I Do with My Dream? (A Deforestation-Free Somaliland)by Mohamed Rashid | 13-08-2018 03:35 |
![]() Somaliland, which is the former British Protectorate before 1960, is an independent country which broke away from the rest of Somalia in 1991. Since this period, Somaliland has been making extensive progress socially, economically and institutionally but the environment was paid less attention which results massive destruction of the forests and trees. I am a social and environmental activist & a leading columnist who writes about climate change and deforestation in Somaliland. Even though I put more emphasis on the protection of environment in Somaliland, other issues affecting environmental well-being including conflicts over natural resources, economic crisis and energy are my priorities. Above all, deforestation in Somaliland is the most prominent environmental problem which causes clearance of 100 trees daily. These trees come under many different categories which are known in Eastern and Northern parts of the country. It is very surprise that Somaliland which is known for its desert background face this massive and serious deforestation. To address this environmental pathology, I take huge time to write articles and studies on deforestation and publish them on Somaliland and East African media platforms in order to help global and African audience understand the real environmental situation in Somaliland. In addition, I am committed to expose more research papers and provide educational lectures which assist both practitioners and university students which are the among Somaliland youth as they are 70% of the population. However, the following measures will play excellent role in lowering deforestation in Somaliland ? Increase youth-led initiatives aimed at reforestation ? National advocacy and campaigns against deforestation ? Awareness raising activities against deforestation ? Developing policies limiting practice of deforestation ? Creating environmental networking groups jointly protecting the environment My fellow ambassadors, do not forget to write one more solution by leaving a comment on my post. Thank you |