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by Victor eke mba | 09-08-2018 00:06

Computer engineering is a career I so desire and it is very impactful to our mother earth and to mankind. With these few points listed on this article you will agree with me.Computer engineers work in the aerospace industry design , They develop control systems & data management systems for aircraft , helicopters & spacecraft , Contemporary navigation , sensing & control systems are fully computerized , The subsystems such as the autopilot or the landing gear make extensive use of computers for actuation , sensing & situation awareness .
Computer engineering
Computer engineers in the military aerospace industry contribute to the design of radars , rockets , missiles and integrate computers with complex systems that involve electronics , lasers & optics , The computers programs implement all major image acquisition & the image enhancement in modern biomedical imagery using X-rays , ultrasonics , computed tomography (CAT scans) & magnetic resonance .
Bio-engineering & Biomedical Engineering have emerged through the integration of engineering
& the life sciences , Computer engineering plays an important role in the biomedical engineering in the areas such as design & control of diagnostic , therapeutic devices , on-line monitoring of patients , implanted devices & automated measurements .
Computer engineering integrates the electrical engineering & computer science to develop the computer hardware & software , Computer engineers have training in the electronic engineering (or electrical engineering) , the software design & the hardware-software integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering .
Computer engineers design the micro-controllers , microprocessors , personal computers , supercomputers & the circuit design , Their work involves integration with control systems , commercial & the industrial actuators and the elctro-mechanical devices , Engineers develop new operating system architecture , program analysis techniques & new techniques to assure quality .
They write the firmware & the software for embedded micro-controllers , designing VLSI chips , designing analog sensors , designing mixed signal circuit boards & designing operating systems , They work with the robotics research , that relies heavily on using digital systems to control & monitor the electrical systems such as the motors , the communications & the sensors .
Computer hardware engineers work full-time , Approximately 33% of their work requires more than 40 hours a week , They are able to design , research , develop & test many computer equipment , This can range from the circuit boards & the microprocessors to the routers , They work in the research laboratories & high-tech manufacturing firms .
Computer software engineers can develop , design & test software , They can construct & maintain the computer programs , as well as set up the networks such as the intranets for the companies , Software engineers can design or code new applications to meet the needs of the business or the individual , Some software engineers can work as freelancers & sell their software products/applications to the enterprise or the individual .
Computer engineering offers many areas such as Coding , cryptography & information protection , Computer engineers develop new methods for protecting various information , such as the digital images & music , fragmentation , copyright infringement & the other forms of tampering , such as work on the wireless communications , multi-antenna systems , optical transmission & digital watermarking .
Computer engineers work in the telecommunications systems & the networks ( especially wireless networks ) , the modulation , the error-control coding & the information theory , High-speed network design , interference suppression and modulation , design & analysis of fault-tolerant system , storage & transmission schemes .
Computational methods are applied to formulate & solve complex mathematical problems in engineering , the physical & the social sciences ,
Examples contain the aircraft design , the plasma processing of nanometer features on the semiconductor wafers , VLSI circuit design , the radar detection systems , the ion transport through the biological channels & much more .
The engineers work with Computer networks , mobile computing & distributed systems , They build integrated environments for computing , communications & information access , Examples contain shared-channel wireless networks , adaptive resource management in many systems & improving the quality of service in mobile & ATM environments , They work on wireless network systems & fast Ethernet cluster wired systems .
Engineers can work on the research projects which allow for reliable , secure & high-performance computer systems , The projects such as designing the processors for multi-threading , parallel processing are included in this field , The development of new theories , algorithms , and the other tools that add performance to the computer systems .
In computer vision & robotics , The computer engineers focus on developing visual sensing technology , The gathered three-dimensional information is implemented to perform a variety of tasks , These contain improved human modeling , the image communication & the human-computer interfaces as well as the devices such as special-purpose cameras with versatile vision sensors .
The embedded systems are found in many devices from a small FM radio to the space shuttle ,Ongoing developments in embedded systems contain automated vehicles & the equipment to conduct search and rescue , automated transportation systems and the human-robot coordination to repair the equipment in space .
Computer engineering use integrated circuits , VLSI design , testing & CAD that requires adequate knowledge of the electronics & the electrical systems , The engineers work on enhancing the speed , reliability & energy efficiency of next-generation very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits and micro-systems , This specialty is work done on reducing the power consumption of VLSI algorithms & architecture .
Computer engineers develop the improvements in the human–computer interaction , such as speech recognition & synthesis , medical & scientific imaging or communications systems , The other work in this area contains the computer vision development such as recognition of the human facial features .
The hardware engineers create & test the physical components of computer systems , such as the circuits , the chips and the boxes , as well as the peripherals , such as the routers , the keyboards and the printers , Their developments are used in many industries , including the telecommunications , entertainment & the computer manufacturing .
Computer Engineers are trained to solve the problems in the hardware , the software , the systems & the networks that the devices − from a laptop to an airplane − work properly , They gain their unique expertise from both the electrical engineering & the computer science disciplines .
The electrical engineering background integrates the theory & design of electronics hardware with the knowledge of electronic circuits and devices , digital logic , digital systems , microprocessors , embedded systems , hardware organization & computer system architecture .
Computer engineers work on components , devices , programs , algorithms & systems that are used in computers & on techniques of computation , analysis & implementation that are applicable to single computers or to systems of computers , Computer engineers & electrical engineers are well versed in both the hardware& software and provide hybrid solutions on a regular basis .
There is a wide use of the computers across the industries & the applications , Computer engineers design application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for use in cellular phones , they devise and program field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for control systems in manufacturing plants & power stations .
Computer engineers develop the microprocessors for personal computers , They introduce the embedded systems into diverse applications such as the digital watches , portable music players , traffic control systems & the systems that control nuclear power plants .
They design large systems that integrate many components & computers , One example is computational grids , which harvest the resources of hundreds , even thousands of computers for performing intensive computations that are beyond the capability of a single computer .
Data grids also allow sharing & management of large amounts of distributed data (such as health information of patients in a country by the hospitals , or meteorological & other environmental information collected by thousands of sensors in the ocean ) .
Many computer engineers are involved with communication networks that connect multiple computers , sensors , actuators & special-purpose devices , Computer engineering is intertwined with the design & operation of devices & sensors , So , the line between computer engineering & electrical engineering is often hard to define .
Computer engineering gives the society many critical utilities , The computers & computer engineers have impact on public welfare & safety , as well as on health and healthcare , the environment , quality of life , transportation , the food supply , computing & leisure .
Most electrical engineers have to study & understand topics such as the computer architecture, the databases , the computer graphics and the computer languages , They are involved with the software that controls their devices & systems .
The computer engineers can design new architectures & new computer circuits , They can develop large clusters of interconnected computers , They work in communication system design & in all major varieties of communication systems , These contain broadcasting , telephony ( landlines and cellular telephony ) , terrestrial & satellite communication , networks & communication across the Internet .
They can design & implement the computer networks , They can develop communicating handheld devices & media players ( e.g., blackberries , iPods and iPhones ) , Large & small communication systems are controlled by computers .
Most developers of computer games hire computer engineers to design of both hardware (e.g., play stations) and software , The banking and finance industry offers many positions both in analysis and forecasting and in the computer-related areas .