WEED CONTROLby Prajina Neupane | 09-08-2018 13:45 |
Any vegetations growing unnecessarily at unnecessary place are simply termed as weeds. They do not include the particular group of species. Weeds are one of the serious problems of today's ecosystem. Weeds are invading the entire vegetations in their natural habitat. Several forest and pastures are badly affected by invasion of several alien species. Mikania micrantha, has been one of the most troublesome weed these days in the forest and pastures of Nepal. Though some weds have several useful importances, they are also harming the environment and unbalancing the ecosystem in one way or the other. Therefore, the concept of Integrated Weed Management (IWM) has been brought into light. It is the system which brings all feasible methods of weed control harmonizing them into a single and co- ordinated system designed to maintain weeds below those levels at which they cause economic loss. IWM place the crops in competitive advantage over weeds by manipulating the crop habitat by utilizing some biological differences between crops and weeds. IWM directs the measures to reduce the survival mechanism of weeds in the soil. Crop cultural practices are also incorporated to discourage the establishment of perennial weeds. According to the principle of INM, individual element of weed management should be eco friendly. Weed control is necessary to promote agriculture and agriculture is vital for our survival as well as the survival of entire living world, directly or indirectly. Therefore, being an agriculture undergraduate, I feel it necessary to consider and think over weed problems and weed management of better environment and food security.