INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT (INM)by Prajina Neupane | 05-08-2018 14:40 |
With the emergence of green revolution in 1960's, the use of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides has been started in the field of agriculture so as to increase the yield.But, is it eco - friendly to use those chemicals in the crop fields? Will the crop treated with these chemicals be safe for consumption? Obviously no. Due to lack of proper knowledge regarding the use of fertilizers, dose to be used, time and method for application, the farmers are using these chemicals haphazardly more than required. This not only hampers the yield but also the health of consumers as well as environment. Keeping this on mind, the concept of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) has been introduced. Being an agriculture student, I would like to share something about INM. Soil fertility is an important prerequisite for its productivity. So, for better yield, nutrient supply from both organic and inorganic sources are important. Thus.INM is the judicious combination of inorganic, organic and bio fertilizers to replenish the soil nutrients removed by the crops. INM hepls to improve the soil physical, biological as well as chemical properties, that can aid to soil fertility and productivity. The concept of INM is to integrate the nutrient sources and the method of organic and inorganic nutrient application to maintain soil fertility and productivity i .e., the complementary use of chemical fertilizers, organic manures and bio-fertilizers to solve the problem of nutrient supply , soil productivity and environment. The main components of the N supply system are organic manures, green manures, crop residues, crop rotation and inter cropping including legumes and cereals, bio fertilizers including rhizobium, azotobacter, phosphorus solubilizing microorganisms like mycorhhizal fungi,azolla,blue green algae and cyanobacteria. All these can serve as an important supplementary source of nutrients along with the chemical fertilizers. INM also helps in effective waste management, as well as sewages and drainage management through processing and using them in the crop field. This saves environment and also increases the crop yield to ensure global food security. Thus, INM is eco friendly, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable system.