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Employment in Zambia

by Chabala Chisenga | 02-08-2018 20:36

Employment: In Zambia, young people make up a significant
proportion of the available labor force, yet unemployment rates for 20- to 24-year-olds have been estimated to be as much as five times greater than for older adults.

The Youth Map assessment found that while many employers
are hiring youth, key constraints prevent young people from finding work.

These factors include a misalignment of education and labor market needs, lack of experience, nepotism and corruption in the labor market, and a lack of skills and entrepreneurship training.

Gender plays a major role in youth employment: certain
sectors are considered to be available only for men or women,
and young women are more likely to report lower pay or not being paid at all for their work.

There are a number of industries emerging in
Zambia which, if properly leveraged, have high potential for
increasing youth employment, including telecommunications, tourism, and agriculture.

Improved internship opportunities were suggested
by both employers and youth as an option to gain the
experience both groups identified as lacking.

Considering only 14 percent of out-of-school Youth
participants were in formal employment, the potential and need for young people to start their own businesses is high.

In order to successfully transition youth into the world of work, young people need more support (e.g., early career guidance),
comprehensive technical and entrepreneurial training, and
access to finance.

Thank you.