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Sanitation And Cleanliness The Road To Good Health

by Abass Abdullah | 04-08-2018 14:50

Sanitation And Cleanliness The Road To Good Health
Kenyasi Bosore is categorized among one of the cities that make Kumasi the 2 nd Region of Ghana the Golden City of the country. The city was beautiful which made her development more than imagination. Investors from different parts of the country were struggling to have their businesses established in the city. The population of the city began rising day-in-day-out.
The behavior of the residents begin to change, they were feeling lazy when we are talking about our sanitation. They don?t want to go to the refuse site to dump their refuse. They drop them on any footpath they across , others drop theirs in gutters forgetting this same habit led flooding in some parts of the region.
Development and progression started downgrading, good name of the city was going down rapidly, investors and visitors started escaping, the golden city turned out to be filthy city. Why is this happing to my town?
A young boy by name Abdullah Abass tried to figure out the cause of the problem and what should be done to make the problems history. People who didn?t understand the situation asked nothing from the boy but trying to discourage the boy, majority of his friends were pulling him back, his loving younger brother supported and pulled him on his feet, he gathered strength to mitigate the environmental problems. He started his dream by convincing young pupils in their schools. He was going to school to give them the good news of sanitation. Some schools gave permission for him to convince their pupils to keep their classrooms, schools, and community clean. Some schools formed environmental associations in their schools.
The small act made big impact. The supervisor of Education in the District added a task to the unknown boy at a malaria workshop where the boy was given a chance to discuss sanitation with proprietors, headmasters and school representatives. He was made malaria ambassador for primary and junior high school in the district. Schools have no intangible excuse to prevent him from doing his work. He is now hero to his friends for working with Ghana Education Service but hasn?t been even in a college.
Friends of the earth, let?s not think of making big act action at one but remember little drop of water makes a mighty ocean. Do what you can do to help change the world from this stage to a better one. Don?t waste much time thinking about the unnecessary things people will say or comment, I will do, I can do should always be in your mind and one day you will say, ?yes, indeed I did!!!?