The case in Rwandaby Yves SHEMA | 31-07-2018 05:44 |
![]() International Environmental law (IEL) ![]() Part two: The case in Rwanda Quick review: previously in part one we highlighted the main 5 environmental law principles that should be based on in creation of any environmental low. We defined IEL as an attempt of controlling pollution and the deletion of natural resources with a framework of sustainable development. Now, my report is about to answer; do Rwanda as a country follow the 5 principles to control pollution and nature resources for development sustainability? By having a simple review on Rwanda Organic low; In its Title two; NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN ACTIVITIES, Chapter one: NATURAL ENVIRONMENT of course in section one that says about soil and subsoil, its article 11 and 12 confirms the precautionary principle. Article 11 says that soil and subsoil constitute the natural resources to be preserved from all kinds of degradation and they shall be used in a sustainable manner. In that regard, the exploitation of the soil and subsoil shall take into account the public interest related to their conservation. Article 12 says that soil must be used while considering its nature. The use of a place which discourages rotation shall be prevented; and where considered necessary, such a place shall be used as rational as possible. In the section 4, article 25, the Rwanda organic low says that the classified buildings, vehicles and engine driven machines, commercial, craft or agricultural activities, owned by any individual or an association shall be used in accordance with technical principles established by competent authorities in order to preserve the atmospheric pressure. And this is exactly the prevention principle. In title 3, chapter one, article 41, the law say? Laws and regulations in application shall guarantee the right to everyone to a healthy environment and shall ensure equal opportunities within ecosystems and between the urban and rural areas?. That is what I named public principles. Again in this title we have: the Rwanda Environment Management Authority abbreviated in English as ''REMA'', a public establishment with legal personality and shall enjoy financial and administrative autonomy, on article 65. This answers that the integration principle was followed to make this article. Individuals and moral persons that undertake activities that promote environment are subject to reduction on taxable profits in accordance with the law concerning taxes and revenues. This is said in the article 73 title 4, and vice versa it implies that those who disturb the environment will be having some penalties. And exactly this relates to the ?polluter pays? principle. Now based on the facts above you can answer by yourself the question I was trying to answer for you. Do Rwanda follow the five principle? Precautionary; the integration principle; public participation principle; the ?polluter pays? principle and the prevention principle? The answer is a big YES. I am proud to be a Rwandan For more type ?Rwanda organic law PDF? in Google you will have the full document.