Utilizing Carbon Dioxideby Adam Zhou | 26-07-2018 00:41 |
Global warming, as many of you may know, is the observable atmospheric and ocean temperature rises, but as some of you may not know, out of the 13 warmest years since 1880, 11 of them were in the range of 2001-2011. Temperature will continue to rise in the coming years as well. Impacts are very multi faceted. The melting of ice caps can then lead into a rise in sea water levels. This is followed by a loss of habitats, extinction in severe cases. Other points of focus are the increase for extreme weather patterns, decrease in food supplies, flooding, etc. All in all, this interconnectedness is sure to impact us humans and our health as well. Fossil fuels are undoubtably a major cause. But the thing is, we can't just immediately stop burning fossil fuels because we need the energy it produces to go about with our everyday lifestyles. Renewable energy is a possibility, however, the presence of the chemical industry is still unavoidable. It is a mandatory process is our ubiquitous products that we use everyday, and so far, there is no alternative for those. Therefore, we must utilize carbon dioxide in another manner. Carbon capture and storage is something especially prominent. However, when looking at this holistically, the scale of impact is pretty minimal. Therefore, we must think of another solution. And there is already something used quite often in the scientific scheme of things. Catalysts are substances that alter rates of reactions without being consumed in the reaction. It typically involves a series of intermediaries and various transformations facilitated through heat and is then regenerated through a cycle. The good thing about this is that the amount is very minimal in relation to the substrate and can thus be extremely efficient. To put this into perspective, 0.0001 - 1% is relation that we're looking at. Integrating a catalyst can be used to convert carbon dioxide into valuable materials, incorporating reactive substances like transition metals. by changing what is around the catalyst, we can change the properties of the catalyst as well. Overall, this is proof that we can make commodity chemicals from carbon dioxide.