Traditional hydrological system of the Cordillera rice terracesby Adam Zhou | 25-07-2018 22:56 |
There is the aim to assess the impact of climate change on the traditional hydrological system of the Cordillera rice terraces. The terracing method is a part of the whole complex and robust socioecological system (SES) built within the Tropical Montane Cloud Forest (TMCF). Cordillera?s traditional hydrological system is a water conservation technique and management model. As rapid climate change threatens the sustainability and ecological integrity of this thousands of year old procedure, assessment schemes that determine transformation as well as the vulnerabilities climate change brings about to this form of traditional water management must be put forward. Using a meta-analysis mode of both quantitative and qualitative measurement, the following factors were seen to be most prominent that contributed to the external harm of the TMCF
Given these, it is possible to identify which are most prevalent to the system at hand by observing the best fit correlation measurement. Further studies still need to be done as to whether these factors, however, are particular to a given biome such as that of the TMCF or can be utilized for other frameworks. |