ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICEby Anishka Jha | 22-07-2018 23:33 |
The Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. There are umpteen number of Environmental injustices in the world, out of which only few cases are resolved lawfully. One of the example is Plastic Pollution. The world today is facing unprecedented plastic waste tide. For more than 50 years, global production and consumption of plastics have continued to rise. An estimated 299 million tons of plastics were produced in 2013, representing a 4 percent increase over 2012, and confirming and upward trend over the past years. Banning of the manufacture, use, transport, distribution, wholesale and retail sale, storage and import of plastic bags in India is a perfect example of environment justice The environment action taken stringently by the Maharashtra government towards banning the plastic use in the state, highlight the core meaning of Environmental justice. Environment experts have been blaming plastic for choking of nullahs in Mumbai and the flooding in parts of the city during monsoons. The State is asking for alternative solutions to replace the banned plastic items. Urban local bodies, like the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), invited manufacturers of alternative products to showcase their wares at a three-day exhibition. But the road ahead is not easy as the ban is creating large scale uproar amongst the people. Large mass of people are still unaware of the side effects of the use of plastic. freepressjournal.in |