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1/2 of The Article Related To the Snake, Snake Bites And The Prevention Measures for Snake Bite.

by Bhanubhakta Adhikari | 16-07-2018 20:32

Dear friends, during the hot periods, snakes are more active; which may increase the incidence of snake bites. During these days I am seeing more snakes in fields, grassy lands and way. Please take care of it. Be aware while walking in evening and dark dawn and night times.
Here are some tips that I would like to share which would be fruitful for all of us:

Here, I would like to go for ?Avoiding Snake bite?

While the behavior of snakes is obviously not 100% predictable; we can minimize our chances of being bitten by taking several basic precautions. If we want to avoid being at the receiving end of a pair of venomous fangs, follow these simple guidelines while out romping in the wilderness;
1. Avoid tall grass near room and fields and houses. 
2. Remember that snakes can climb too.
3. Check before you stick your hand into a crevasse and shoes.
4. Avoid sleeping near a log or large branch, in tall grass, or next to rocky areas.
5. Wear heavy boots and pants during the work at field.

6. Proper sanitation is the most so that the snake does not get any place to live in/ hide.