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by Samrin Salam | 26-06-2023 12:53


Plastic pollution is a global issue: killing wildlife, contaminating our oceans and waterways, and lasting far longer than it is used.

                                           -LEONARDO DICAPRIO

                                       We all know that plastic is our right hand but it pollutes our land.Our Prime minister Sri Narendra Modi in independence day urged the citizens of India to do to eliminate the use of single use plastic.We hear this every day and this is a very cliche topic,but the awareness needs to be spread. Plastic pollution is damaging our environment day by day. When I was young, my father worried about plastics. As I am growing up, I am worrying about plastics. Will the next generation also have to worry about plastics? Will they add plastic to their basic necessity needs? hope not. Plastic is hard to dispose and contributes to environmental pollution. Do you know what the causes of plastic pollution are? One, it is economical and easy to use. But isn't it an advantage of plastic? Yes, and due to this, it is used widely to make containers, utensils, vessels, bags, et cetera. And because of this, there is an increase in the number of plastic waste. Second, it is non biodegradable. Plastic is hard to dispose in soil water. It stays in the environment for hundreds and hundreds of years, contributing to air, soil and water pollution. As we have taken a look at the causes of plastic pollution, let us take a look at the effects of plastic pollution in the environment. One, it pollutes water. It has a negative repercussion on our health even after filtering it again and again. Second, it pollutes land. Plastic releases chemicals which penetrate into the soil and degrade its quality and fertility. This has an impact on the growth of crops and it also breeds mosquitoes which are carriers of deadly diseases. Third, it harms marine life. Plastic is often misunderstood as food by marine creatures. They eat it and the plastic gets stuck in their intestines and choke them to death. As we've taken a look at the sad but real effects of plastic pollution, can you suggest some ways to beat plastic pollution? The first and foremost method is to reduce the use of plastic itself. Simple, right? Try it.


Plastic can be replaced by eco-friendly alternatives like jute, cotton, paper, et cetera. Instead of using plastic containers, you can use steel cut. Vessels, et cetera. If a person has difficulty in avoiding plastic, ask them to reuse it again and again. Before disposing them. Even before disposing them. Can't you just give it to recycling centers which use them for good? Yes.Recycling allows us to transform plastic trash into fresh goods. By doing this, we contribute to decrease the quantity of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and the ocean, reducing emissions and reducing risks to biodiversity, people, and the environment. Recycling also contributes to energy conservation since it uses less energy than producing new plastic products do.

                             Plastic is modest and proficient, which is the reason it has become such a fundamental piece of our regular routines. In any case, with such boundless utilization of plastic comes contamination, which is hurting our seas and every one of the marine creatures that live in them. Plastic waste floating in the water can look a lot like food to marine animals. 33% of fishes were found to have consumed plastic, which is chemical and toxic, and poses threats to their health or even kill them.We produce in excess of 380 million tons of plastic waste every year, and 8 million tons of it end up in the sea. That is similar sum as the heaviness of 2 million elephants combined.About half of the total populace eats fish consistently. At the point when fish eat plastic waste, we are additionally eating food that is tainted.

We actually don't have the foggiest idea about the full degree of how consuming plastic could hurt human bodies. At the point when plastic disintegrates, it separates into more modest pieces called microplastics. In spite of the fact that we can without much of a stretch get plastic waste littered on shores to decrease contamination, it's close to difficult to dispose of microplastics as they are minuscule to such an extent that they shouldn't be visible to the natural eye. But, in spite of their size, they are similarly just about as hurtful as other plastics.Okay, this isn't completely precise. Plastic will ultimately vanish, nonetheless, the decay interaction requires almost 450 years! To that end we need to make a move now and quit dirtying our current circumstance and particularly our seas.

Plastic pollution can also be hazardous to our health and the environment as pieces of plastic can break off and get into food chain or water sources, which could cause serious harm in the future.So, on a good note with a proverb. 

                    Tiny drops of water make the mighty ocean. Which means that little things that we do today yield us a bigger fruits in the future. So on this occasion, let us vow to reduce the use of plastic and make the world a happier place to live.In this Enviornment day I plead you to be more sincere about our nature.


                                                                     SAMRIN SALAM A A
