Beat plastics for our good healthby Yves SHEMA | 30-06-2018 15:33 |
![]() plastics are made by oil and gas molecules which form a chemical called polyethylene terephthalate which is the plastic that we see. They are part of our daily lives but unfortunately that doesn?t mean that they are safe or responsible. All it does is to destroy our lives. The question is how does it destroy it? By knowing this we should beat it, in order to maintain our lives well ,here comes another question, how are we going to do it? In this essay, we are going to deal with these two questions and shall get answers. Firstly, this chemical forms many things we use in our daily lives like: bottles, some unique usage of plates and cups, some boxes. We use them and then throw them away, after throwing them away it causes many effects like some goes in the land field where all trashes are thrown, when the rain water gets into those trashes ,it absorbs a compound which is highly toxic and create a harmful chemical called LEACHATE which moves in soil and waters and that?s harmful to our lives. Secondly, some plastics make a great journey and go into water like in oceans and goes in a place where trashes accumulate which is called ?the great pacific carbage patch?. These kinds of plastics float into water and some sea birds, fishes and other sea animals eat plastics being mistaken that it?s food and that plastic eaten by them contains a toxic compound and those fishes are eaten by us, which means that we consume a toxic compound in fishes all due to plastics and that causes some diseases like cancer which destroys a big number of people?s lives. We have seen the harms of plastics now the next thing is how should we fight against plastics and keep our lives healthy? Here?s some ways we can use to beat plastics. The first way is to support plastics fees and bans this means that we should set fees to be paid by people who use plastics and those fees shouldn?t be low ,they should be high so that those people get afraid of paying those fees and stop using plastics. The other way is to put pressure on manufacturers who produces plastics to stop producing plastic products like cups, folks, plates, etc, putting pressure on them means that we should stop them using each and every way that should help to stop them either democratic way or other ways in case they don?t understand. The third way to use is to keep the plastics out of the kitchen, not only plastic pollution but also plastics cause air pollution cause they can be burnt and release dirty gases which causes air pollution so we must fight against plastics in the kitchen. Finally we have to change the culture of keeping in mind that every package must not be made of plastics ,and that all unique usage must be made of plastics .I f we change our culture which can be so called mindset in some ways plastics shall vanish and we shall live in a world without plastics. As a we come to see ,we saw that actually plastics bring no good in our lives cause we saw more than one harm of plastics in our lives but the good thing is we have some ways of beating it so we can?t just sit down and watch plastics destroying our lives we have to use the different ways we saw above and fight against it then live in a world with no plastics and stay healthy.