Bats in Nepalby kiran banstola | 17-06-2018 23:43 |
Nepal constitutes 5 families of order chiroptera. They may be Pteropodiae, Megadermatidae, Rhinolophidae, Hippossideridae and Vespertilionidae(Majupuria and kumar,1998). About 50 species of bats are known to live and breed in Nepal. This makes up(40.6℅) among South Asian bat species. Nepal consists of second highest diversity is in India. Nepal is home to 1 regionally endangered and 5 regionally vulnerable bats of the region. Kesharmahal, Sallaghari,Godavari,Nagarjun,pokhara, Rupse chahara, Bhingri, Sari, Dumja, Tanahun, Syanga, Palpa, Bardia, Baitadi, Biratnagar,Dharan etc are areas with grearest diversity of Bats. Hundreds of bats can be seen roosting there. Bats are recorded in almost all protected areas of the country. In Nepal Bats are always neglected for study by government,NGO,INGO, who are working with wildlife,despite their enormous ecological importance. So, the high official personals who are concerned with wildlife management and biodiversity conservation should be made to understand the value of Bats as any other rare species of animals. Bats are still considered as dirty and harmful species by some people. Thus, government, NGO, INGO who are working for wildlife should take initiative steps to educate the local people about the ecological and economical importance of bats