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Snake, To kill ?

by Deepak Subedi | 09-06-2018 02:22

The need of conservation of biodiversity, how many people are aware of it ? who are destroying biodiversity ? i belive there is no enough awarness program in the sector of biodiversity conservation.
Yesterday i saw small boy of 6 class was trying to kill snake, whose fault is this ? His or his parents or his teachers ? or he is right ? There except me all were thinking that boy was taking wise decision.
This is situation in Metropolitian city of my country, I feel so sad and i tried to convience them somehow that snake escape.
I want enough program should be conduct in grassroot level to conserve every aspect of environments.
childrens are very important part of awarness, they can aware their family and also thier friends.
And i will try my best to conduct awarness program in school of that boy to cinserve snake and biodiversity.